Victory is Inevitable
In the Kingdom expansion enterprise, there can be only victory, distraction, or cowardice; failure is not an option because failure is not possible. The glory of God is at stake.
"...and as he read, he wept and trembled: and not being any longer to contain he brake out in a lamentable cry; saying, what shall I do?"
In the Kingdom expansion enterprise, there can be only victory, distraction, or cowardice; failure is not an option because failure is not possible. The glory of God is at stake.
What Is Truth and Why Does it Matter?: "The thing that is either true or false is not a sentence, but a proposition."
Robert Kemp on Art
Defending the Faith (Apologetics)
John Frame: Unregenerate Knowledge of God
Last night I was so close to giving up on nearly all things in life save breathing. I read myself to sleep with Elliot's Slow and Certain Light; with that and my God singing over me as I slept, I awoke this morning greatly refreshed, renewed, and at peace.
Jim Elliot Sermons, 1951
I do not buy that some people, when discussing their disagreement with the doctrine of election, "don't understand it." The propositions set forth are quite intelligible: "Jacob have I loved; Esau have I hated." "It is not of him who wills or runs, but of God...that his purpose according to election might stand."
It seems a vicious circle: the holy spirit doesn't speak today so we must rely only on the finished bible for direction. The finished bible tells us that the holy spirit has ceased speaking, so we mustn't look for guidance elsewhere.
"Surely there is more to preaching Christ crucified than saying 'Christ was crucified'!" - Martin Luther, De Servo Arbitrio
Finished John Owen's Brief Declaration and Vindication of the Doctrine of the Trinity today (appendices excepted). It was very helpful--very clarifying of the real issues: i) what does the bible say? ii) do I believe it?
Just had a wonderful time with the Hiltzes. Without question a God-honoring conversation--all three of us have been greatly encouraged and edified and humbled at what the Lord has done in our lives. I am also greatly encouraged at what he is doing and will do in my own.
Yesterday I had my phone trial to decide whether or not I would lose my right to operate a motor vehicle in the State of Maine for 15 days (due to point accumulation). I think I may have made it appear that giving teens rides was part of my job requirements rather than something subsidiary.
I don't know if I noted it here or not, but one of the things I was most impacted by in Elisabeth Elliot's Passion and Purity was how they both so rigorously studied and applied scripture to their lives. It was the application of scriptural principles they'd gleaned out of rigorous study that was so new to me. Not that I didn't know that it was done or even that it was to be done--what seemed (and seems) so new is how they did it.
Cessationism | Grace Online Library.
So much has happened in the past month or two that I can't possibly record it all. With the speed of thought being what it is, it's an impossible task. We will spend a portion of (for lack of better expression) eternity just reviewing thoughts, I'd bet. I'm glad I've been journaling like mad lately. Perhaps one day I'll transfer some of the handwritten journal here.
I've recently finished the following books: