Thursday, March 24, 2005

John Owen: On Mortification

After two years or so of reading a paragraph every few weeks, I've finally made it through John Owen's (87-page) Of the Mortification of Sin in the Body of Believers, etc.. I took Edwards' advice and read with pen in hand (er, laptop on desk) to record anything that came to mind or thoughts to pursue, etc.

I could've just copied this entire book down. Owen certainly doesn't misuse any words; they're fine tune so that he packs into a single sentence what in today's literary currency would fill 2 volumes. The more Owen and Edwards (et al) I'm exposed to, the more verbal inflation (too many words expressing not much depth) I see everywhere. (Including here.)

I would commend this book to anyone. Banner of Truth puts out a smaller version than this ancient copy I read for about $6. Order it here.

In other news, I'm half way through David Allen's Getting Things Done (and I actually am getting things done), and Donald Miller's Blue Like Jazz. More on those later (maybe).


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