Friday, February 25, 2005

Albert Mohler: The Revolt Against Human Nature

I imagine this, with the inherent longing in each (most?) of us to discover we're superhuman [how jealous were you when you watched x-men??]; how many of us didn't want to wake up one day and be a friendly neighborhood webslinger? Just as Eve's curse was a disposition to usurp the headship of Adam, so also the second eve (and humans in general) are disposed to usurp the headship of the second Adam--Christ Jesus. In other words, we want to be little gods. We want supreme unhindered volition, and we want it our way, at the click of a button, and infinitely customizable to my own wants. "You shall be like God; knowing both good and evil."

"As it was in the days of Noah...[He] will not strive with man forever."

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus."

See article here.


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