Thursday, September 09, 2004

Just had a wonderful time with the Hiltzes. Without question a God-honoring conversation--all three of us have been greatly encouraged and edified and humbled at what the Lord has done in our lives. I am also greatly encouraged at what he is doing and will do in my own.

I shared--at length--my testimony and am very thankful to the Lord for allowing me to rehearse his faithfulness in my life. I found myself remembering how little certainty there was for me when I took the position here in Biddeford; how I was guided by applying the scripture that records when the Lord delivered Saul into David's hand to do with as he saw fit, and yet gave him no clear direction as he had in the battles. David then made a decision on his own based upon the wisdom and knowledge God had given him. After praying for a couple of weeks without any clear direction, I applied this and made a decision on my own hoping that my decision would honor and please the Lord (though there were other motives mixed in, to be sure).

In retrospect, I know that I was to be here for (at least) this season. And so, as I find myself in a similar situation--with no clear external direction from the Lord--I find myself making a decision based upon the wisdom and knowledge God has given me. Though I still (and can't) know the outcome of this decision, there is a level of peace in it now.

Thank you, Lord, for reminding me of the faithfulness you've so graciously extended me throughout my life. I have done nothing to deserve it, and everything to deserve losing it. My mouth is stopped, and I again fade out of the picture leaving only you to be seen and glorified.

Some (peaceful and reassuring) thoughts.


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