Friday, November 28, 2003

Also from David Brainerd's journal: The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume Two (ix.i.ii): "I felt weaned from the world, and from my own reputation amongst men, willing to be despised, and to be a gazing-stock for the world to behold. It is impossible for me to express how I then felt: I had not much joy, but some sense of the majesty of God, which made me as it were tremble. I saw myself mean and vile, which made me more willing that God should do what he would with me; it was all infinitely reasonable."

I fear how little I desire to be weaned from my own reputation amongst men. Lord God give me repentance; change my heart to Love You more.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume Two (ix.i.ii): "Thursday, April 1, 1742. I seem to be declining, with respect to my life and warmth in divine things; had not so free access to God in prayer as usual of late. O that God would humble me deeply in the dust before him! I deserve hell every day, for not loving my Lord more, who has, I trust, loved me, and given himself for me; and every time I am enabled to exercise any grace renewedly, I am renewedly indebted to the God of all grace for special assistance. Where then is boasting? Surely it is excluded, when we think how we are dependent on God for the being and every act of grace. Oh, if ever I get to heaven, it will be because God will, and nothing else; for I never did any thing of myself, but get away from God! My soul will be astonished at the unsearchable riches of divine grace, when I arrive at the mansions, which the blessed Saviour is gone before to prepare."

This entry from David Brainerd's Journal sent me into a tailspin for almost a month. I nearly despaired upon reading the first part of the italicized phrase above, since my then-current experience was so similar. At that time I was also reading about Christian's awful time in Doubting Castle and remembering his brief foray into the Slough of Despond. On thinking of the key out of the castle, and remembering the steps out of the slough, and after going on to the second part of the italicized phrase above, I was greatly strengthened, and my heart was disposed more fully to lean on the goodness, the love, and the sufficiency of Christ.

today i joined the blogging people-group.