Trackback Test
This is just a Trackback Test...
"...and as he read, he wept and trembled: and not being any longer to contain he brake out in a lamentable cry; saying, what shall I do?"
After two years or so of reading a paragraph every few weeks, I've finally made it through John Owen's (87-page) Of the Mortification of Sin in the Body of Believers, etc.. I took Edwards' advice and read with pen in hand (er, laptop on desk) to record anything that came to mind or thoughts to pursue, etc.
well, it's official.
In his recent book, Dr. Sam Storms quoted from Soren Kierkegaard's Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing. I haven't read it, but from the passage quoted in the front of his book, I'm pretty sure that I disagree.
I have neither the time nor the words to express what happened this past weekend. The Lord spoke to me and through me. The illustration and imagery I 'received' just before speaking knocked me to my knees and I literally streamed tears as I praised my saviour--my rescuer, my hero. It was as it should be.
Ask a man about his relationship with his wife and, hopefully, he doesn't point to a marriage license or a picture on the wall. Hopefully he pulls his wife into his side, and kisses her on the cheek. "I know I'm married, and I know I'm in love, because my beloved is right here."
I imagine this, with the inherent longing in each (most?) of us to discover we're superhuman [how jealous were you when you watched x-men??]; how many of us didn't want to wake up one day and be a friendly neighborhood webslinger? Just as Eve's curse was a disposition to usurp the headship of Adam, so also the second eve (and humans in general) are disposed to usurp the headship of the second Adam--Christ Jesus. In other words, we want to be little gods. We want supreme unhindered volition, and we want it our way, at the click of a button, and infinitely customizable to my own wants. "You shall be like God; knowing both good and evil."