Sunday, February 27, 2005

On Relationship

Ask a man about his relationship with his wife and, hopefully, he doesn't point to a marriage license or a picture on the wall. Hopefully he pulls his wife into his side, and kisses her on the cheek. "I know I'm married, and I know I'm in love, because my beloved is right here."

It wasn't a "transaction." It wasn't an "agreement." It is a covenant relationship.

If only I felt in my heart what I know in my mind.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Albert Mohler: The Revolt Against Human Nature

I imagine this, with the inherent longing in each (most?) of us to discover we're superhuman [how jealous were you when you watched x-men??]; how many of us didn't want to wake up one day and be a friendly neighborhood webslinger? Just as Eve's curse was a disposition to usurp the headship of Adam, so also the second eve (and humans in general) are disposed to usurp the headship of the second Adam--Christ Jesus. In other words, we want to be little gods. We want supreme unhindered volition, and we want it our way, at the click of a button, and infinitely customizable to my own wants. "You shall be like God; knowing both good and evil."

"As it was in the days of Noah...[He] will not strive with man forever."

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus."

See article here.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Sam Storms: One Thing

Realized that I forgot to post my completion of Sam Storms' great little book, One Thing. Finished it probably a month ago, actually. Much of it was Piper reloaded, but Sam adds a level of richness and personal warmth that is often hard to find in Piper's written work.

I particularly appreciated the imagery of Jason and Odysseus navigating the Scylla and Charybdis. Hopefully I will continually bring that picture to mind, it is the difference between saving Joy and cold moralism. Thank you, Dr. Storms, for bringing the truth of Christian Hedonism further in and deeper down into the heart and soul.

Great chapters on the bigness and smallness of creation. Really good stuff--and something I'd give out to people en masse had I the funds.

Also a big thank you to Dr. Storms for the personal emails he sent helping me to make some rather important decisions. That he would take the time to do that is truly remarkable. I wish I could've studied under him at Wheaton.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Reading Overmuch

What is the point of so much incessant reading? There is such a glut in the world, and most if not all of it shall be forgotten. I will never gain what I am looking for by all this incessant reading of many and diverse things. I should stick to my plan, of reading very few very good authors very well. I am like an addict. My heart starves and my brain is a glutton, stuffed so full that nothing is digested, but merely awaits its moment to be vomited out unsavored.

I am tired. I have not read, I have not prayed. And I feel it. God help me.

On Marriage

I think I already wrote about how I think Life-giver does not mean baby-maker. Home-maker, likewise, doesn't mean dish-washer.

People always say that marriage has its benefits, and I know what they're trying to say, but it doesn't apply to me. Marriage should never be sought for the 'benefits,' but for the beloved. The 'benefits' (and I'm not talking merely about sex, but about support, intimacy, companionship, refinement, etc.) are secondary and are only worthwhile or enjoyable because of the beloved with whom or from whom those benefits are had or derived. Companionship is only good if the companion is grealy loved.

But the beloved's the thing.

just a thought or two.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Open Theism and the future indicative

Blue Letter Bible

Speaking in the future indicative with absolute certainty is something the Open Theists reject; making statements like this 'fallible' (fail-able). God can and does speak in the future indicative, because no one has the power to stop him. If they revert to his will, would they make God so evil as to not will to save his own people? Or to shed the blood of his son in vain and save no one? His purposes are good because He is good. His purposes shall stand because none can stand against his power.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Matt Redman - Facedown


this is one of the best worship songs i've heard in a long time. it sounds like Matt is just worshipping God with no awareness that anyone is listening or playing with him, or that millions of people might hear him. he seems to be totally pointed at God, almost unaware that others might sing with him--he sounds here like his desire is that others would join him in singing the praises of God because he just can't quite sing wide enough or deep enough or loud enough--this is the type of worship (lifestyle, living, breathing--not merely music) i've been thinking about and writing about. good stuff. very, very good stuff.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

I will go; send Me!

"If you want a job done right, do it yourself."

It was something His goodness couldn't ask another to do; so He did it Himself. And it was not in vain for any of His people.