...said the supreme all-knowing, all-wise, never-errant judge of another man's servant. I have made the lion's share of mistakes, blunders, poor word choices, wavering opinions, uncertain assertions, reversals, equivocations, hesitations, and the rest in this life. Who am I to distribute ultimatums? Who am I to pose threats of separation? "Love covers a multitude of sins..." not just one or two. A multitude!
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine
demands my soul, my life, my all!
My apologies, Dr. Piper, for the arrogance. I still dislike the terminology, but God forbid that I should exact a mite from you when an abyss of debt has been cancelled for me. My "mouth has been shut," as Dr. Lloyd-Jones has well spoken.
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