Life as a Vapor
John Piper's Book, Life as a Vapor, has been in the bathroom for the past month or so. A great little book; many great meditations in it.
Though I keep running into thoughts that I had before I read them in his writing--It seems that, having been won to his 'top-level- axioms, I've let them trickle down and I've come to the same conclusions he has. I suspect the charges of plagiarism won't stop. I re-read an old sermon and found some blatantly Piperite thoughts...
I have embraced him as a teacher; will I not receive his thoughts, and promote them? Others have been even more blatant than I have--who I'll not mention, but who're nationally recognized.
Regardless, I found my "Theory of Everything." It's called Christian Hedonism, which is only hearfelt, passionate and compassionate calvinism in new packaging. Or, the theology of Edwards, since this new dimension of shared glory and joy is one thing: worship. But there is nothing new under the sun.
So, what now? Where? With whom (if anyone)?
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