I've been accepted to ELIC's program for July of 2005, and they've asked to use my short essay answers in their marketing material. So that's encouraging!
I think I've decided fully against WTS. I am, however, now considering SBTS--if I go anywhere other than Wheaton (where I'll go only if the Lord wills).
Other than that, nothing has happened. I am stagnant. I've set out on another new schedule to try to pull out of this slough; I've gone 3 days out of 5. It is rigorous, but I have the time and the resources to be rigorous. Perhaps I don't have enough pressure.
My 30th is coming up fast. Spending it in Ireland would've been nice, but probably not at all private enough. Since we're not going to Ireland (at this point--though miracles do happen), I will (Lord willing) spend it alone somewhere--probably Sunday River. I may not have the finances for it, but I will want to spend the day in reflection and solitude (or at least anonymity). And I'd also like to enjoy a pint of Guinness.
Reading update:
- I'm slowly nearing the end of Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship, which has been very good--and very challenging. - I've started Piper's When I Don't Desire God, which has been helpful--especially the last chapter I read (ch. 6).
- Started Tolstoy's War and Peace because I'm in the mood for some Russian fiction with Christian themes. I've ordered the Pevear/Volokhonsky tranlation of Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov, which I'll begin in January (with TC, at his suggestion).
- Started part II of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.
- Took up Edwards' Freedom of the Will again.
- Also have resumed Owen's Temptaion and Sin.
- Still reading Milton's Paradise Lost.
- Piper's Life as a Vapor is in the bathroom (1/3 done).
- Reading through Newton's and Cowper's Olney Hymns as a lead in to morning prayer.
So, all of this is scheduled thorughout the week, along with audio or written sermons on the weekends. Spurgeon's devotional is also worked in. So, rigorous might be one word for it; maniacal might be another. Of course there is also an hour of Bible reading in the morning, as well as 45 min. of exercise. If I could only keep it up on a daily basis. It requires a 5:30am wake-up and a 10:30pm retirement. So I suppose I should go.
For weeks now, my constant prayer has been "Lord, renew my mind and rekindle my heart, for your name's sake." As can be seen in the ONELIFE devotionals.
Once another book has been completed (or, psychotically, taken up) I'll post again. Until then...
some (dazed and confused) thoughts.
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